Unleash Your Beauty.
Unleash Your Destiny.
Welcome to Krystal Rose where we help women realize that their true worth exceeds outside beauty and transcends time.
Health. Beauty. Wellness.
Hair & Makeup Studio
Your personal beauty team on location. We serve Albany, NY, Los Angeles & Orange County CA.
Health & Life Coaching
My specialty is helping professional women & men live a more balanced holistic life. I help people reduce their stress, encourage self-care, and feel the joy and freedom to walk in their passions and purpose.
Join our Community
We help empower women in their personal & spiritual growth.
You’re an introvert, a perfectionist, a multi-tasking wonder woman, a devoted mom, and a passionate entrepreneur… You are constantly on the go, juggling countless responsibilities in your demanding job, while also leading and inspiring a team.
Each day feels like a race against time, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Deep down, you yearn for more balance and harmony in your life. But here's the thing - you have a habit of needing a foolproof plan before you can take any action.
You tend to overanalyze and second-guess every decision, often doubting your own capabilities. It's time to listen to your inner voice and embrace a powerful truth. Despite the nagging doubts that cloud your mind, you are more than enough just as you are.
The Blog
What inspires you?
Imagine your at the end of your life and you’ve lived a long healthy life with those you love, how would you want to be remembered?
What are you dreaming for?
What makes your heart sing for joy, can you remember the tune or has it faded so far away that you long to reach for it again?

Hair & Makeup On Location
Your personal beauty team on location.
We serve Albany, NY, Los Angeles & Orange County CA.
Help us go spread love to “Father to the Fatherless International” by supporting us to go to Uganda to teach the women beauty & hospitality skills at their vocational school.